
Since 2009, CEDIPS ( Digital iridology center ) provides software and equipment to the iberoamerican iridology and welness industry. We supply Iridology equipment (Iriscope & coaching-software packs) and  naturopathic equipment that are of good quality at very reasonable prices


The iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body, it is necessary to clarify two terms which are always being confused: Iris-diagnosis and Eye-diagnosis. These two terms are not synonymous. Iris diagnosis is the observation and interpretation of  iris signs and possible disease, and is sometimes referred to as Iriscopy. 

More than 1,000 licensed naturopathic physicians practice in Iberoamerica and iridology is being described as "the most valuable diagnostic tool of the naturopath." Some therapists are using iridology as a basis for recommending dietary supplements and or herbs.

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